Description: The Solid Rapid Diagnostic Test for Typhoid is designed for the qualitative detection of antibodies (IgG and IgM) to Salmonella typhi in whole blood, serum, or plasma. This test is used to diagnose typhoid fever quickly and effectively.


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Brand Name: Solid.
Generic Name: Thyphoid diagnosis test kit.
Pack size: 25 test kits.
Amount: ₦11,400.

Description: The Solid Rapid Diagnostic Test for Typhoid is designed for the qualitative detection of antibodies (IgG and IgM) to Salmonella typhi in whole blood, serum, or plasma. This test is used to diagnose typhoid fever quickly and effectively.

Key Features

  • Rapid Results: Provides results quickly, typically within 15-20 minutes.
  • Ease of Use: Simple procedure that can be performed with minimal training.
  • Portability: Suitable for use in various settings, including remote areas and field conditions.
  • No Special Storage Requirements: Can be stored at room temperature (2-30°C).

Side Effects

  • As a diagnostic test, it does not have side effects. However, improper handling or interpretation of results may lead to incorrect diagnosis or unnecessary anxiety.


  • For In Vitro Diagnostic Use Only: This test is meant for external use on biological samples and not for internal use.
  • Proper Training: Ensure that personnel conducting the test are adequately trained.
  • Storage Conditions: Store the test kits according to the specified temperature range to maintain accuracy.
  • Interpretation of Results: Results should be interpreted by a qualified healthcare professional to avoid misdiagnosis.
  • Quality Control: Ensure that the test kit has not expired and all components are intact before use.
  • Confirmatory Testing: Positive results should be confirmed with additional diagnostic methods, such as culture or molecular techniques, for accurate diagnosis.


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